Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twas the night before Christmas.........

By "Dirtman"
with VAO members
T’was the night before Christmas, and all VAO members were hyper
But not a bassboat was launching, not even ol’ Striper’s
The livewells were buzzin & "Rejuvenade" added with care
In hopes that Lunker’s website would soon be square
BigC & Tightline were nestled all snug in their bed
While visions of "Hooknline" members danced in their head
With Cash & Cujo in the Tracker & Jim in his Basscat
They had all settled down for a long winter’s nap
When out on the lake, there arose such a clatter
It must be Gman, doing cannonballs in the water
Away to the transom Dirtman flew like a flash
When asked "You OK?", the response…."Kiss my ass!"
The Sturgeon Creek fog on the new fallen snow
Made Dave Fauntleroy pause…….. for he knew we’d still go
When over his weak bullhorn, no doubt we would hear
"Let’s get ready to go fishin", the time is near.
With the Verado so quiet, so lively and quick
And the fourth set of batteries, "could this be St. Nick?"
By lighting a Cohiba, his co-anglers they came
Squire yelled "more Merlot", and called them by name
Now ChrisB, Now G, Now JayT and Jigman
On Stratos, On JJ, On Wayne and Vbfntritonman
To the top of Pamunkey, all the way to the Dam
Now Shakeyhead, Onefishaway, and also Hawgman
As dry leaves before a wild hurricane fly
He knew without McCotter’s blog, he could not get by
So back into Highpoint, to weigh-in he flew
Following TeddyCarr, Rudedog & Jim Hemby too
And then in a twinkling, there was still quite a muster
As Charlie’s loud Mercury shot by sans muffler
With hands on our ears, as we all turned around
In came G3Mike with about 18 pounds

As his fish hit the scales, Mike’s hat oh so weary
But wait, one team left, it was Jlawx & Scary
A big ol’ sack, they had flung on their back
31Airbourne knew then & there, that was that
With a striper for dinner, held tight in his lap
Leewood asked Rob, "Where’s Bill1wts, Gracie and Zack?"
In came Bfelts, Ccbassn, Skeet1 & Blueranger
BigE exclaimed "I think they’re in danger!"
We spoke not a word, and headed straight down the lake
Tritons, Trackers, Rangers, all models, all makes
At Dike II , Bill’s pontoon….. located at last
They were "crappie" fishing and having a blast
They were chubby & plump…just right to fry
As Ducknfish laughed along with Gambleon5
A wink from Deadeye & a nod from Exfishhead
Made Kris481vs & Slf300wby long handles nothing to dread
Wayne jumped on his trolling motor & to all, gave a shout
"Time to head to Chelsea Joe’s for a cold glass of stout"
But we heard G exclaim as "Baby Blue" made the ramp
"Merry Christmas to all & to all "I’M STILL DAMP!"
Christmas 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lake Manassas Work Session

I went to the Lake Manassas work session last night to check it out. The meeting went well. It included the City of Manassas Council, the Mayor, the Chief of Police, Public Works officials, VDGIF representative John Odenkirk and a host of around 75-80 others. In the crowd were quite a few fisherman. Some I knew and some I didn't. Charlie Taylor (sports writer) and Rob Grike (CBANV) were a couple that I did know and chatted with briefly. This was an outstanding showing for our sport and to show that we mean business when it comes to opening Lake Manassas back up to the public. However, the City Council mentioned upfront that this would be a work session and NO comment from the public that attended would be allowed.Anyway, the meeting opened with Mike Moon from Public Works giving a history of what had happened to close the Lake in 1999 and the process that led them to working with VDGIF on this new venture. He also explained the work that has been done so far and what he/VDGIF propose. The proposal goes something like this.Brookfield Homes at Saranac on Glenkirk Road has a 20 acre parcel of waterfront land they want to donate to the state. It lays just east of the dam. If this happens, it would fall into the hands of VDGIF and be the new access to the lake. They would contract with someone to open and run a concession /ramp much like Lake Brittle or the old marina at Lake Manassas. This would leave City of Manassas pretty much out of the picture, but they would have to monitor water quality, put in dam protection , etc. (They are still a little concerned about the Zebra Mussel thing, so monitoring boat livewell water brought in from surrounding areas would be an issue.)So, without a total commitment on their part, the City Council moved that the process, meetings, details, investigation into possible problems, etc. between the landowner (Brookfield Homes), the City and VDGIF continue and hopefully within a couple of years (by John Odenkirk's estimation) we would again be allowed on the lake.This is only Step 1 folks. If I hear of anything else on this, I will be sure to post it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

To all of my followers, friends, clients, and most of all my family.......Have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

VAO Turkey Bowl

The members of the Virginia Outdoors website held our First Annual Turkey Bowl tournament on Lake Anna yesterday. It was a beautiful day to be on the water with friends, members and competitors. While we only had nine boats, if felt as if we were in the biggest tounament of our lives. First went to Wayne & Jeff with a little over 11 lbs. Second was JayT & Eric with 8.42 lbs. Third was yours truly & Steve (Squire) with 8.30 lbs. Afterwards, we all went up to Chelsea Joe's restaurant to have food and drinks. Already looking forward to next year's Second Annual Turkey Bowl.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Deer hunting

I hunted the opening day of rifle season for deer in Hume and took this nice looking 8 pointer. While not a monster, it did have a 17" inside spread.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

When I'm not fishing / hunting / working.........

......."this" is what I love doing next. My Dad was quite the craftsman and woodworker and he passed a few of his traits down to me. Some good, some bad. Anyway, I love woodworking as my third hobby. Here are a few of my recent projects.


My wife had an old chest of drawers that came from her family and had gone through the kids home's and I was about to trash it and she got a little emotional, so I decided to keep it (without her knowing), tearing it dowm and making her a nice coffee table for her birthday.


Last Christmas, I made the two grand-daughters some "turtle" step stools / folding chairs.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lake Anna Cup 11-8-09

Lee and I fished the Lake Anna Cup trying to compete for the top $2,000 winner take all money yesterday. While the weather was beautiful and the competitors (62 boats) were ready to go fishing, it was again not about fishing, but the comradery and just being out on the water with friends and family. This will probably be the last time Lee fishes with me for a while. He and his wife, Rhoda, are expecting their second little girl anytime now, Maggie. Big sister Molly is awaiting the event also. We only caught two keeper size fish the whole day, but all in all we had a great time. Of course Preston Cox & Larry Wollersheim won with 14.68 lbs. The lake fished very tough today for everyone. Hope to see you out there sometime.

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's not all about fishing!

Yesterday, my friend, Steve McGuire (Squire for those that know him) and I elected to participate (donate) in the the LAPR bass tournament on Lake Anna. After getting a very early start from my house at 4:30AM we headed to the lake under a beautiful but chilly (39 degree) morning. We arrived a little early and a chance to talk with other fisherman and BS about the fishing. Today, there were around 30 boats for Dave Fauntleroy's well-run "get together". Now...............I am going to call it a "get together" because to me it is not a tournament any more. Yes, I like the challenge, the competition, the rewards, (sometimes), but what I look forward to the most in these "get togethers" is the chance to meet and be with people that enjoy the same sport/hobby that I do. Some of the stories you that hear at these gatherings are hilarious, while others are kind of sad. Talks about friends and family that have been ill and are recovering, a new baby coming, dislodging a hook in your partners hand, an accidental fall into the lake (you know who you are), a boat maintenance issue, a lot of old jokes, a birthday and of course, who won last week. As I sat on the bench yesterday and watched a local well-known angler weigh-in almost 22 lbs to win (compared to our 4 lbs), I noticed the variety in the crowd. An older man with his grand-daughter watching the weigh-in, a single mom and her son, a vacationing family, alot of young fisherman with dreams I had when I was their age. These people I saw are the future stories of tomorrow. Most of the competitors know one another and we all shook hands and congratulated each other or just said "hello" - "how you been"? The top five teams that weighed in from 15 lbs-22lbs. were the same ol" teams that have done it all season long and congratulations to them. I am realizing that they have done well before and will continue to do well. I will continue to fish against them and probably lose to them, but the "get together" is what I look forward to.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lake Anna 10-6-09

Fished yesterday at Lake Anna. What a difference a few weeks makes. I was the only trailer at SCM and only saw maybe six other boats the entire day. Put in at 7:30AM was 74 degrees and temps uplake in both Anna and Pamunkey were 70 degrees. Caught a few fish on a variety of methods. Mainly rattletraps, jigs, crankbaits . Water up in Anna is still fairly muddy with Pamunkey water much better. Key is to find baitfish. If you find a wind-blown stretch, the bait is there. If the bait is there, the bass are there. As evident by this picture, they ARE eating. This one was a chunk. Normally a 3.25 lb. fish.....this one was pushing 4 lbs.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Caroline County Rotary Club Invitational @ LKA

My friend, Garry Cramer and I fished the Caroline County Rotary Club Invitational at Lake Anna yesterday and won it with 15.51 lbs. Garry caught most of the fish and he had big fish for the tournament with a 5.79 lb. hog. All this added up for a enjoyable day on the lake and a check for $2190.00

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Team Grand-daughters

Molly and Rachel fishing last month.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today at Lake Anna

Had the day off so I went to Lake Anna to try a prototype dropshot rod out for a friend. Caught about a dozen fish ranging from dinks to a 3 lber on the dropshot in various locations. Went uplake to a set of docks in Pamunkey and whacked this 5.63 lber on a jig & pig. 1" shy of a citation. Oh well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Oldies, but goodies!

From time to time, I like to look back at old fishing pictures and remember the moment. Here are a few. From the top clockwise......My wonderful wife of 37 years, Linda, with Hank Parker at a fishing show in 2003; a 5 lb 12 oz. bass at Lake Anna in August, 2000 and a 25 lb. rockfish on the Chesapeake Bay in 1999.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A few river fish from today.

Lee and I went today for about 5 hrs. on the Potomac. Biggest was 4 lb. 8 oz........next 3 lb. 11 oz....and so on. The frog bite is on pretty good.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August Tournament Calendar


Doug Ball Memorial Fish Hab Construction

Today, Chris McCotter gathered around 20 guys and gals and we all volunteered to construct 11 Berkley fish habs in the name of Doug Ball. Doug passsed away in May, 2008 and was an avid fisherman / guide for many years on Lake Anna. While I personally did not know Doug, I have heard some nice stories about his ability to always catch fish on Lake Anna. The structures will be placed by VDGIF on Tuesday at the old fish structure #5 downlake across from Dike 1 and a marker bouy installed with Doug's name on it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bass fishing lessons

I have been thinking about this for a while. I have seen thru many years of observing people, that some may try to pattern themselves thru the actions of others. That said, fisherman are no different. I am "not a guide" or a "pro", but when it comes to fishing I think I have something I could teach to people who are willing to learn. If you would like to learn the basics or the details of bass fishing on lakes and rivers, I will tailor a lesson that is for "you". In the time spent with me, you will learn about casting, rigging, use of rods/reels, line, knots, variety of lures (no live bait), and all at your choice of location. That's right........I will come to you. Whether you want on the water (fishing license required) or on dry land, it doesn't matter. Call me today at 540-222-5420 or e-mail me at lmartin@blackhawke.net for rates and availability.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lake Anna 7-24-09

Went to Lake Anna yesterday just to check some things out. Went uplake and caught one in the muddy water (note the white coloration). Went back around mid-lake and caught one deep in a 25' brushpile (note the green coloration).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

St. Judes benefit Tournament

Lee and I fished the St. Jude's tournament for the first time yesterday on the Potomac. We had 43 boats and were able to raise $4000 for St. Judes. A VERY worthy cause. First place team had over 17 lbs. for $2900 and big fish at 7.5 lbs. Paid down to fifth which a little over 15 lbs. Lee had the "hot" hand today as he put a limit in the boat by 8:30 with his favorite chatterbait. We wound up with only 10.38 lbs., but anytime I can fish with my son is a day to cherish. Sorry. no pictures.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th Lake Anna Sunday Morning Series.

My son (Lee) and I teamed up to place second in this tournament that Dave Fauntleroy has during the summer at Lake Anna. Had 11.99 lbs. with the biggest fish at 4.17 lbs. A good day on the lake, but we did get wet.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some old "saltwater" stuff

I kinda grew up on the Chesapeake Bay (weekends) and every year my Dad would take his 42' Chris Craft to Ocean City for the summer off shore season. Caught many, many white marlin, bluefish, wahoo, tuna, dolphin, etc. Thought I would post a few pictures of the ones I have mounted at the house and the boat in remembrance of my Dad. He would have been 100 years old yesterday.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Potomac River PIG

Went fishing with my brother, Tom, last Friday on the Potomac River and caught this 6 lb. even bass. The river is on fire right now. They are biting just about anything. Many 20 lb. + bags are being weighed in at the local tournaments.

Lake Anna 4 lbers.

Went fishing at Lake Anna on 6-19 with a VAO friend, Steve McGuire and found two four lbers. that were willing to bite.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Tournaments

June Tournaments @ Lake Anna
6-20.....VAO Open @ SCM...Lake Anna...5:30-1:30...$60.00 entry
6-21.....Sunday Morning Series @ SCM...Lake Anna...6:00-10:30......$100.00
6-23 & 6-30......Tues Night TX @ SCM...Lake Anna...6:00-9:30........$50.00
6-19 & 6-26.......Fri. Night TX @ Highpoint...Lake Anna.....6:30-9:30...$30.00
6-27.....HooknLineBassAnglers Open @ SCM...Lake Anna...5;30-1:30...$60.00

June Tournaments @ Potomac River
6-28....LAPR @ Leesylvania........6:00-2:00......$160.00
6-23 & 6-30....Warbirds Tues Night TX @ Leeslyvania......5:00-9:00......$50.00
6-24....Aquia Creek Wed. night TX @ Hope Springs............5:00-9:00......$50.00

Monday, June 8, 2009

Future fisherwomen????

Here are some pic's of my two grand-daughters on the boat. Molly was small when she didn't seem to care for the driver's seat and Rachel, recently did very well at the helm. Can't wait for our first outing together.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A few fish of the past........

Here's a few fish from the past. Most came from Lake Anna. That's Lee, my son, in the picture.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wounded Warriors TX 2009

I did my part to try to boost some moral for our troops this past Saturday in the 1st Annual Wounded Warriors tournament out of Smallwood Park on the Potomac. This is a great event and it's a chance to give back a little to those who have served our great country. We didn't catch a lot of fish, but that was really not the purpose. Pictured below are my "marine" and I with 4 fish for 9.46 lbs. We came in 15th. Below that is an article in Sunday's Washington Post about the event. Thanks go out to Ken Kirk, Jeremiah Caitlin, Dave Fauntleroy and the many other volunteers & boaters that made this happen.