Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer 2012 and PB's

This summer has been good to Lee and I on the Potomac River. We have won a couple of tournaments, placed 2nd & 3rd in a couple, and placed in & just out of the money in a few. All in all a very enjoyable season. However, my best outting thus far, has been last Friday when Lee caught his Personal Best Bass and Snakehead. The bass weighed 7.65 lbs which helped us win the VA-Outdoors Weekday Series for a total of 17.55 lbs. The snakehead weighed in at a whopping 15.04 lbs for another personal best. Of course, my job was to net them, but Ohhhh!!! what a memory.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some VAO Tournaments

Here are some pictures from recent VAO (www.va-outdoors.com),Weekday and Weekend Series Tournaments.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

VAO Ironman Tournnament

VA Outdoors held their Ironman Tournament on June 2nd and it was a very LONG day. We launched at Hope Springs Marina at first light and weighed in 13.5 lbs. for the
1st round at 12:30PM. Took a short break and went back out until 8PM. We didn't fair as well on the 2nd round with around 7 lbs. Lee did catch his biggest snakehead on the river so far though. 11.02 lbs. We had a blast and looking forward to the next one.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

VAO Weekend Series 3-16-12

Lee and I had one of our better days yesterday on Lake Anna. Came in first place at the Weekday Series. 18.70 lbs total weight and Big Fish was 5.95 lbs. Fishing is red hot right now.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LKA....3-10-12 Pre-fish

Lee and I pre-fished on Saturday for the upcoming Fishers of Men Tournament. We didn't catch many. We really were just checking out new water, temps, etc. Lee did have another Lake Anna beast however. A 6 lb. 5 oz. beauty.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Some recent fishing adventures

All of these are from Lake Anna and caught with the last two weeks. Thins are starting to heat up. GO FISHING!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 review

2011 was another great year for "Team Dirt". While Lee and I finished in the money a little more often last year, I enjoyed his company as well as many others more than anything while fishing. Hunting season was average, but I did get out more this year. Some highlights at the end of 2011 are below. Looking forward to tight lines & brown down in 2012. Good huntin and fishin to ya.