Monday, June 29, 2009

Potomac River PIG

Went fishing with my brother, Tom, last Friday on the Potomac River and caught this 6 lb. even bass. The river is on fire right now. They are biting just about anything. Many 20 lb. + bags are being weighed in at the local tournaments.

Lake Anna 4 lbers.

Went fishing at Lake Anna on 6-19 with a VAO friend, Steve McGuire and found two four lbers. that were willing to bite.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Tournaments

June Tournaments @ Lake Anna
6-20.....VAO Open @ SCM...Lake Anna...5:30-1:30...$60.00 entry
6-21.....Sunday Morning Series @ SCM...Lake Anna...6:00-10:30......$100.00
6-23 & 6-30......Tues Night TX @ SCM...Lake Anna...6:00-9:30........$50.00
6-19 & 6-26.......Fri. Night TX @ Highpoint...Lake Anna.....6:30-9:30...$30.00
6-27.....HooknLineBassAnglers Open @ SCM...Lake Anna...5;30-1:30...$60.00

June Tournaments @ Potomac River
6-28....LAPR @ Leesylvania........6:00-2:00......$160.00
6-23 & 6-30....Warbirds Tues Night TX @ Leeslyvania......5:00-9:00......$50.00
6-24....Aquia Creek Wed. night TX @ Hope Springs............5:00-9:00......$50.00

Monday, June 8, 2009

Future fisherwomen????

Here are some pic's of my two grand-daughters on the boat. Molly was small when she didn't seem to care for the driver's seat and Rachel, recently did very well at the helm. Can't wait for our first outing together.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A few fish of the past........

Here's a few fish from the past. Most came from Lake Anna. That's Lee, my son, in the picture.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wounded Warriors TX 2009

I did my part to try to boost some moral for our troops this past Saturday in the 1st Annual Wounded Warriors tournament out of Smallwood Park on the Potomac. This is a great event and it's a chance to give back a little to those who have served our great country. We didn't catch a lot of fish, but that was really not the purpose. Pictured below are my "marine" and I with 4 fish for 9.46 lbs. We came in 15th. Below that is an article in Sunday's Washington Post about the event. Thanks go out to Ken Kirk, Jeremiah Caitlin, Dave Fauntleroy and the many other volunteers & boaters that made this happen.